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My Swim Results

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Individual Points Statement

26 Jan 2023Australia Day 800m Classic 2023
Qualifying Meet level participationParticipated in more than 3 events at a Qualifying Meet level competition10
30 Jul 2023DDRSA Regional Short Course Championships 23
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist25m Freestyle finalist20
Backstroke finalist25m Backstroke finalist20
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 25m Freestyle (SC)30
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 25m Backstroke (SC)30
13 Jan 2024W P Kemp Memorial Sprint 2024
Freestyle Qualifying Meet finalist25m Freestyle finalist20
Backstroke finalist25m Backstroke finalist20
Butterfly finalist25m Butterfly finalist20
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 25m Freestyle (LC)30
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 25m Backstroke (LC)30
Please note that points generally expire after 2 years.