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My Swim Results

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Privacy Policy

Biz AnyWare provides My Swim Results to allow the collection and processing of swim meet results to produce a range of reports and features.

This privacy policy describes how Biz AnyWare collects and uses this information.

How we collect the information.

Meet results are submitted to the website from a variety of sources:-

  • Swimming Organisations
    • Swimming organisations can submit their swim meet results in return for earning a commission based on the number of My Swim Results subscribers with results in the uploaded data.
  • Downloaded directly from publically available websites
    • Results of certain swim meets are often released publically. These result files may be accessed and imported into the My Swim Results system to provide additional data for a number of the reports.

Once the results are imported into the system, the information can only be used for the purpose of displaying swim meet results and the generation of reports.

"Cookies" are also used on the system. Cookies hold a small amount of information under your browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.) control which is passed between your browser and the website. These can be 3rd party cookies which are used the purposes of generating usage reports for the website or related to the advertising that is used on the website. The system also uses Cookies to store login information for subscribers and also previously searched for individuals.

Guest users have their IP address recorded in order to ensure that they are not over-using the guest user privilege. The IP Address of subscribers to My Swim Results is not recorded.

What we do with the information.

The information collected is used to:-

  • Provide services or information that you request
  • Help respond to emails, phone call, queries, comments, requests and complaints.
  • Collate into the refining of target times, excellence pathways and a number of other features.
  • Subscribers can choose to follow other swimmers in the system in order to keep up-to-date with their progress.
  • Swimming Organisations can use the information to contact their own members.

We do NOT publish the data to unrelated third parties unless there is a legal requirement to do so.

No Birthdays or swimmer ID’s are displayed to anyone without the necessary clearance.

No member information collected is used by Biz AnyWare or My Swim Results to contact any individual unless they initiate a contact to us via email or phone. In the case of us being contacted, the information is used only to resolve any queries.

Swimmers, Coaches or Swimming Organisations can subscribe to our website or API Service to access certain information for their own purposes. The subscriber’s role in the swimming organisation can increase the type of information that is released to them. E.g. A membership coordinator at a State level Organisation will be able to see swimmer id, birthday and age information but a basic subscriber will not be able these fields in any reports or results.

We are not responsible for the actions of subscribers or swimming organisations nor are we responsible for any additional information you might provide directly to third parties.

Swim Meet Results files

Swim Meet results includes:-

  • HyTek Meet Manager files or extracted Team manager extracts
  • LENEX files
  • Other supported meet results entry types.

The "Swim Meet Results" files that contain the swim meet results for a particular swim meet remain the property of the organisation that produced the results. These are retained by My Swim Results for historical purposes. The data in each file is extracted and put into various data structures owned by "Biz AnyWare". This information is used only for the purposes of producing the meet results and reports. This policy is perpetual and will not alter in the future.

Credit Card & Online Payment Details

We do not store credit card or any other payment details.

Our payment gateways may require to collect credit card information for the purposes of fulfilling a payment request that has been initiated but the only details that are returned to us is the payment status of the transaction. Any credit card details submitted through the checkout process do not get stored or received by My Swim Results equipment - these are handled securely only by our payment gateways.

We use Stripe for payment, analytics, and other business services. Stripe collects identifying information about the devices that connect to its services. Stripe uses this information to operate and improve the services it provides to us, including for fraud detection. You can learn more about Stripe and read its privacy policy at

Photos, documents and other attachments

Photos and other documents can be attached to swim meet results, swimmer profiles and other postings. The content is submitted by registered users for the express use of the swim meet results or profile. My Swim Results will not use that information for any other purpose unless written permission is obtained.

My Swim Results cannot be held liable for the content of these files that are submitted. Any file that is found to be a breach of policy will be removed.

Links to other websites

The website contains advertising and links to other websites that are not controlled by Biz AnyWare or My Swim Results. Biz AnyWare are not responsible for the content or policies of these other websites.

My Swim Results Website Plugins

These can make available certain features of the My Swim Results website to be displayed on a 3rd party website. This is limited to the publically available information on the My Swim Results website.

Mobile Application

GPS data on the phone handset is not recorded in the system. The only possible use of this data is to aid in the location of clubs within your area but requests are not recorded by the system.

Contacts and other "Personal Organiser" information are not collected.


Biz AnyWare does not share any information with advertisers. The advertising is provided through "Google Adsense". Any displayed advertising generally relates to public content from the website with some possible search history that you may have had previously with Google. My Swim Results has no control over the search history with Google.

My Swim Results limits the categories of advertising that is displayed on My Swim Results however it doesn’t take any responsibility for the content found by clicking on any advertising.

You can choose to pay a fee to My Swim Results to get an "advertising free" user account.

As policy, My Swim Results does not include advertising on a Club or Swimmers dashboard.

What steps do we take to protect your information

Biz AnyWare takes all reasonable measures to protect your personal information in an effort to prevent loss, misuse and unauthorised access. The information is kept on equipment operated completely by Biz AnyWare and direct access (both physically and virtually) to the equipment is under constant review.


As there is a large number of children participating in the sport that My Swim Results would like to continue to encourage their involvement. However their involvement on the My Swim Results website means:-

  • that any postings that they make are only to a limited audience and not publicly available
  • Access to Birthday and age information is supressed to authorised users from the Swimming Organisation
  • Requests can be made to make the "swimmer invisible"
  • Any attachments found containing personally identifiable information (other than name, club and age group information) will be removed.

Publically available information

Swimmers names and club information is publicly available throughout the dynamic pages. The swimmers cover and profile photo will also be made available.

Any attachments submitted to My Meet Results may be removed if there is found to contain personally identifiable outside of Name, Club and Age Group.

Swimmer invisibility

A swimmer can request that their results remain invisible to everyone. This will mean that all of the dynamic results will no longer contain the results from that particular swimmer both in any past or future swim meet results. The swimmer may also not appear when a visitor conduct a search.

Note that any document or attachment submitted with the meet results may still contain the swimmers name and club information.

We understand that this can undermine the purpose of the website however we need to respect the individual’s privacy.

Public Search engines

Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing have a huge amount of information to sift through and as such, changes to the content on the My Swim Results website may take some time to replicate to each of the search engines. Swimmers marked as invisible may take a while to be removed from each of the search engine's and My Swim Results has no control over how long it will take.

Swimmers names and clubs are generally captured by Search Engines to facilitate their search functions.

Membership Services

Membership services allows participating clubs, state and national bodies to collect membership registration fees online. Features allow the Clubs, state and national bodies to administer their own membership lists and use the results features of the website.

Note: Collected email addresses through the checkout process may be added to members details in order to aid with the administration.

Changes to the privacy policy

Any information collected is subject to the privacy policy in effect at the time. My Swim Results reserves the right to modify the privacy policy in the future without notice. Perpetual policies such as My Swim Results use of Swimmers information will not be changed.

Policy Effective: Monday, 24 June 2013

Last updated: Friday, 28 June 2024