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My Swim Results

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Individual Points Statement

19 Aug 2023KWI-ROC Inter Club Meet
Interclub swim meet participationRepresented your club at a Interclub Competition10
7 Nov 20232023.11.07-KWI Club Race Meet 02S
Club participationSwam at a club meet5
9 Dec 2023KWI-ROC LC Carnival Meet
Qualifying Meet level participationParticipated in more than 3 events at a Qualifying Meet level competition10
16 Jan 20242024.01.16-KWI Club Race Meet 04S
Club participationSwam at a club meet5
10 Mar 2024KWI 2023-24 Club Championships
Bonus Points for moving into the next Benchmark Bracket2 benchmarks crossed300
Top 5 Female Swimmers of the Meet300 Points Scored for swim meet. Ranked # 1100
15 Mar 20242024.03.15-KWI Club Race Meet 06S
Bonus Points for moving into the next Benchmark Bracket1 benchmarks crossed150
Top 5 Female Swimmers of the Meet150 Points Scored for swim meet. Ranked # 5100
21 May 20242024-05-21-KWI Club Race Meet 01W
PB Club LevelPersonal Best time for the 100m Breaststroke (SC)10
21 Jun 20242024-06-21-KWI Club Race Meet 02W
PB Club LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (SC)10
16 Jul 20242024-07-16-KWI Club Race Meet 03W
PB Club LevelPersonal Best time for the 100m Medley (SC)10
20 Jul 20242024 Swimming WA Short Course Qual 2
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Backstroke (SC)30
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 100m Medley (SC)30
27 Jul 2024Swimming WA SC Qual 3
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Freestyle (SC)30
PB Qualifying Meet LevelPersonal Best time for the 50m Breaststroke (SC)30
Please note that points generally expire after 2 years.