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Swim Meet - UWSC Club Night#04 SC-20220826

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Venue:HBF Stadium
When:Friday, 26 August 2022Export to calendar
Hosted:UWA-West Coast Swimming Club


Steve Hill, Meet Director

Phone: 0418 877 277 

LAST CHANCE TO QUALIFY FOR ‘STATE JUNIOR SC CHAMPS’ (with entries closing on Monday 29 Aug)


Warm-ups: 4:00pm-4:50pm (Lanes 1-8);

Racing: 5:00pm-7:30pm (Lanes 1-8).


  • All events are open to UWA-West Coast & Southside Penrhos Wesley 'Annual Competitive' & 'Social Participation' membership categories.
  • Only Swimming WA registered ‘Annual Competitive' & ‘Social Participation’ members (on the day of the meet) are eligible for times swum to be recognised for future sanctioned online meet entries.
  • Entries to events will close early if the number of entries exceed a reasonable finish time.
  • All swimmers are expected to provide at least one volunteer to the timekeeping roster; &
  • The Meet Director reserves the right to cancel any event if required to fit within the allocated timeframe.

Please note that all Entry times must have been achieved since Thursday, 1 October 2020 from a Short Course (25m) pool. If no time is available, then it will look at the Long Course (50m) times..

Event Entry Fee: $18.57

Estimated Timeline
INFO UWSC Club Night SC04-20220826
Swmm8BkupUWSC Club Night SC04-20220826-04
Team Manager Events Download (used for club race secretaries to provide entries electronically)