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Swim Meet - RLSSWA Pool Lifesaving Championship 2021

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Venue:HBF Stadium
When:Saturday, 18 - Sunday, 19 September 2021Export to calendar
Hosted:Royal Life Saving WA


In order to maximise attendance and offer the best possible competition opportunities the following changes have been made to the State Lifesaving Championships.

Day 1 to be held on Sunday 19th September 2021, HBF Stadium Mount Claremont

Day 2 to be held Saturday 23 October 2021, HBF Stadium Mount Claremont

Please refer to UPDATED Competition Document  13 Sept in attachments below for events.  

All Competitor entry information and event entry merge /changes will be updated as soon as possible - post responses from individual emails)    


Royal Life Saving WA is excited to announce the WA Pool Life Saving Championships for 2021! This exciting event welcomes all Royal Life Saving WA, Surf Life Saving WA, Swimming WA and other Western Australian athletes and individuals to compete.

Interstate competitors are also invited to participate, including all Royal Life Saving - Australia, Surf Life Saving Australia, and International Life Saving Federation (ILS) members.

This event is sanctioned by the ILS. Western Australian athletes entering this event will automatically become a Royal Life Saving WA sports member and, as such, eligible to participate in the Championships.


Entry Fee: $10.00

Entry Circular RLSSWA Pool Lifesaving Championship
UPDATED Competition 13 Sept
WA Pool Life Saving Championships Participant Disc