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Event Results 2017 Rocky City Spring Sprint

Events 2017 Rocky City Spring Sprint
Boy's 9 to 11 years
100m Backstroke
100m Breaststroke
100m Butterfly
100m Freestyle

September swim meets
Saturday, 16 September 2017
2nd World War Memorial Pool
Boy's 9 to 11 years 100m Butterfly
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
1. 1:34.82 Lachlan K ROCKY CITY 10 145
Personal Performance 2. 1:49.85 Kai W Caribeae Rocky Crocs 10 93
Personal Performance 3. 1:50.32 Koda M Caribeae Rocky Crocs 9 92
4. 2:02.81 Jack L ROCKY CITY 10 67
5. 2:05.89 Declan J ROCKY CITY 11 62
Meet Results
