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Event Results Jamestown Open Swimming Carnival

Events Jamestown Open Swimming Carnival
Men's 16 to 29 years
100m Freestyle

February swim meets
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Jamestown Swimming Pool
Men's 16 to 29 years 100m Freestyle
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 1:04.53 Ben J Starplex 16 338
2. 1:07.77 Ben H PORT AUGUSTA 17 292
3. 1:09.47 Nick E CLARE 16 271
Personal Performance 4. 1:15.27 Bradley B Henley and Grange, SA 20 213
5. 1:23.83 Rhys B Henley and Grange, SA 17 154
6. 2:02.68 Scott C Henley and Grange, SA 27 49
Meet Results
