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Event Results Tropic of Capricorn

Events Tropic of Capricorn
Men's 13 years and over
200m Backstroke
200m Breaststroke
200m Butterfly
200m Freestyle
400m Freestyle
1500m Freestyle
200m Medley
400m Medley

November swim meets
Saturday, 13 November 2010 to Sunday, 14 November 2010
Rockhampton Grammar School
Men's 13 years and over 200m Medley
Time Name Club Age FINA PS AA PS Splits Ranking
Personal Performance 1. 2:16.52 Sam B Brothers SC Inc 18 584 38
2. 2:23.01 Matthew W ROCKY CITY 21 508
3. 2:28.28 Sam B ROCKY CITY 15 456 32
4. 2:31.86 Rhys M ROCKY CITY 16 424 26
Personal Performance 5. 2:39.55 John K Caribeae Rocky Crocs 16 366 19
Personal Performance 6. 2:44.56 Daniel L Caribeae Rocky Crocs 13 333 30
7. 2:49.90 Justin K Caribeae Rocky Crocs 15 303 11
8. 2:52.47 Aaron S Emerald Swimming Club 14 290 15
Meet Results
