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Event Results Kambalda Splash and Dash

Events Kambalda Splash and Dash
Mixed 8 years
50m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
25m Butterfly
50m Freestyle

November swim meets
Saturday, 12 November 2016
Kambalda West Pool
Mixed 8 years 50m Backstroke
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
1. 1:06.18 Jasmine N Kambalda 8 68
2. 1:09.94 Phoebe H Kalgoorlie 8 58
Personal Performance 3. 1:12.61 Reuel B Kalgoorlie 8 36
Personal Performance 4. 1:13.41 Maddison C Kalgoorlie 8 50
5. 1:14.16 Lachlan R Kambalda 8 34
Please note that this meet is listed as un-official so the times from this meet cannot be used for entries into another qualifying meet.
Meet Results
