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Event Results Perth City Club Night

Events Perth City Club Night
Mixed Open
50m Backstroke
100m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
100m Breaststroke
50m Butterfly
50m Freestyle
100m Freestyle
200m Freestyle
25m Medley
4x50m Freestyle

May swim meets
Friday, 19 May 2017
Chisholm College
Mixed Open 50m Butterfly
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
1. 28.40 Nicholas R City of Perth 18 452
2. 29.65 Rahul J City of Perth 15 397
3. 30.17 Robyn L City of Perth 18 528
Personal Performance 4. 30.31 Madison H City of Perth 16 520
5. 30.49 Harry T City of Perth 16 366
5. 30.49 Flynn M City of Perth 15 366
Personal Performance 7. 31.26 Callum B City of Perth 13 339
8. 31.35 Irina M City of Perth 16 470
9. 31.79 Macie B City of Perth 18 451
10. 32.00 Leonardo R City of Perth 15 316
Personal Performance 11. 32.67 Maddison H City of Perth 14 416
Personal Performance 12. 32.80 Melanie K City of Perth 19 411
13. 32.91 Samuel W City of Perth 15 291
Personal Performance 14. 33.31 Gregor L City of Perth 14 280
15. 33.54 Alysha R City of Perth 16 384
16. 33.59 Giuliano F City of Perth 14 273
17. 33.98 Zoe L City of Perth 13 369
18. 34.11 Chloe G City of Perth 15 365
19. 34.40 Kiara S City of Perth 13 356
20. 34.75 Emilia S City of Perth 16 345
Personal Performance 21. 34.78 William C City of Perth 13 246
22. 34.96 Harper L City of Perth 14 339
23. 34.97 Sophia B City of Perth 11 339
24. 35.06 Nathan D City of Perth 13 240
25. 37.60 Lochlan C City of Perth 13 195
Personal Performance 26. 39.62 Tahlia C City of Perth 13 233
Personal Performance 27. 39.76 Sadeni P City of Perth 13 231
Personal Performance 28. 39.96 Sofia B City of Perth 12 227
29. 40.94 Tommaso P City of Perth 13 151
Personal Performance 30. 41.69 Rachel W City of Perth 11 200
Personal Performance 31. 42.41 Gianluca F City of Perth 12 136
32. 42.62 Finn G City of Perth 10 134
33. 42.73 Breannah H City of Perth 12 186
Personal Performance 34. 43.71 Kiera H City of Perth 10 174
35. 44.02 Sophie B City of Perth 11 170
Personal Performance 36. 44.06 Sathmi P City of Perth 10 169
37. 44.13 Emma Sophia P City of Perth 11 169
Personal Performance 38. 45.47 Flynn C City of Perth 10 110
39. 45.79 Ramon A City of Perth 12 108
40. 48.74 Ellie M City of Perth 10 125
Personal Performance 41. 59.90 Charlie C City of Perth 8 67
42. 1:08.17 Eva M City of Perth 8 46
43. 1:11.00 Gabrielle S City of Perth 10 40
44. 1:13.66 Rebecca P City of Perth 9 36
Please note that this meet is listed as un-official so the times from this meet cannot be used for entries into another qualifying meet.
Meet Results
