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Event Results THAC Club Meet

Events THAC Club Meet
Mixed Open
50m Backstroke
100m Backstroke
200m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
100m Breaststroke
200m Breaststroke
50m Butterfly
100m Butterfly
200m Butterfly
50m Freestyle
100m Freestyle
200m Freestyle
400m Freestyle
100m Medley
200m Medley
400m Medley

August swim meets
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Mixed Open 100m Breaststroke
Time Name Club Age FINA PS Splits Ranking
1. 1:15.79 Hughie N The Hobart Aquatic Club 15 438
Personal Performance 2. 1:28.55 Sarah C The Hobart Aquatic Club 12 390
Personal Performance 3. 1:35.44 Erynne B The Hobart Aquatic Club 12 312
Personal Performance 4. 1:38.72 Rebekah P The Hobart Aquatic Club 12 282
5. 1:42.83 Isaac P The Hobart Aquatic Club 10 175
Personal Performance 6. 1:43.09 Mitchell N The Hobart Aquatic Club 12 174
Personal Performance 7. 1:44.43 Jordan F The Hobart Aquatic Club 13 167
Meet Results
