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Relay Results Splash and Dash - Kwinana - Apr 2019

Events Splash and Dash - Kwinana - Apr 2019
Mixed 10 to 11 years
25m Backstroke
25m Breaststroke
25m Butterfly
25m Freestyle
4x50m Freestyle

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Sunday, 7 April 2019
Kwinana Recquatic
Mixed 10 to 11 years 4x50m Freestyle
Time Name Club FINA PS AA PS Splits
1. 2:55.21
Visitors All Stars A
Peel Aquatic
2. 3:12.49
Visitors All Stars B
Peel Aquatic
3. 3:17.79
Kwinana A
Please note that this meet is listed as un-official so the times from this meet cannot be used for entries into another qualifying meet.