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My Swim Results

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Website Frequently Asked Questions


How do I create a login for the website?
Can you please send me a password reminder?
My subscription has expired - how can I renew?

Race Day

When do I have to be at the pool?
Tips for new swimmers

Club Membership

Looking to sign up as a club member, start by using the "Find a club" to find your club either by your location or by the name of the club. If the website is asking you to login - try telling it what country and state you are in and continue as a guest to find your club. Once you club is found - there will be a link to organise to register as a new member or renew your membership.


How often do you update the results?
My Childs results are missing certain swim meets?
My Club would like to publish the results of their carnival on My Swim Results?
We have a huge library of meet databases - how can we get it published on My Swim Results?

Points & Badges

What are these Badges?
I used to have more points and some badges have disappeared.
We did really well on the weekend but still got beaten for a Top 5 Badge.
How can we tell where the benchmarks are?


How do I get our carnival listed?


How often are the Rankings updated?
The rankings doesn't include my child?

Further information


Does My Swim Results store credit card details?
I want to pay via Credit Card - do I need a PayPal account?
Payment alternatives?
I made a BPAY payment on Saturday, it is Monday now - why hasn't it been processed?
Meet Entries are closing and the BPAY option has dissappeared?


We do offer nomination services for Athletics carnivals. These meets are run through the HyTek Meet Manager for Athletics program. We also have some support for the results room volunteers in using the HyTek Meet Manager on the day to record the event results.

Contacting Support

If you have further issues, please contact us.

Alternatively ring Biz AnyWare on 08 9226 4990.

Postal address:
Biz AnyWare
PO Box 31
West Perth WA 6872
